KENWA has been relying on local and international volunteers to implement her programmes in areas where the organization has offices. In the duration of three months KENWA    receives more than 60 volunteers where 3 out of these were international volunteers. In one year KENWA receives 12 international volunteers and 240 local volunteers.


Earlier this month, I was in Kenya and I had a chance of visiting the Orphanage in Makuyu with my family (Friday 6th August). I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and was enlightened as to how the funds raised by St. Gregory’s students are used to help with the running of the orphanage. My family & I were thoroughly impressed with the good work that goes on and I hope it continues for many years to come.

"I would like to say thank you once again for the wonderful work that is carried out by KENWA and all the staff and I pray that God may bless all the work done to help ensure that the children have a good life while in a loving family setting.."
Consolata Ndungu
Human Rights Activitst
"My family & I were thoroughly impressed with the good work that goes on and I hope it continues for many years to come."
Consolata Ndungu
Human Rights Activitst

When I made intial contact with Head Office at KENWA before visiting the orphanage, I had promised that I would visit after the initial visit to the orphanage, but unfortunately due to family commitments while in Kenya, I was unable to make the visit and also unable to make further contact while in Kenya. As I write to you, I am back in the UK and preparing to go back to school within the coming week.
It was unfortunate I was unable to meet Asunta and the rest of the staff at Head Office but I’m hoping that during a future visit I will get another opportunity to visit Head Office as well as the orphanage again.


The goal of the Intern Program is to; Equip interns for lifelong work skills, no...


Must be able to commit a minimum of at least 2 weeks in Kenya, doing...


98 percent of people working in KENWA are HIV positive. Most of these people are...


The purpose of KENWA Intern Program includes: To work with professional Interns/volunteers from various vocations...


Receive personal mentoring and on job training from KENWA qualified staff. Hands-on experience in: administration,...